Rodrigo Almeida, Ecology of emerging insect-borne plant diseases and insect-microbe interactions
Michael Boots, Evolution and ecology of infectious disease management and control
Kent Daane, Insect pests in agricultural crops
Robert Dudley, Insect flight biomechanics, the origins of aerial behavior in hexapods, and the ecophysiology of butterfly migrations
Damian Elias, Neuroethology, behavioral ecology, and evolutionary biology of arthropods
Paul Fine, Phytophagous insects on Burseraceae and communities of forests in Peru, Brazil and French Guiana
Rosemary Gillespie, Evolutionary ecology, systematics, spider biology, conservation
George Roderick, Invasion biology, population biology, global change
Albert Ruhi, Fresh water ecology and conservation
Mark Tanouye, Insect neurophysiology
Neil Tsutsui, The evolution of communication and behavior of ants and bees. Origin and spread of invasive species
Noah Whiteman, Genomics of species interactions
Kipling Will, Carabid beetle chemical ecology and insect systematics
Caroline Williams, Insect physiology, mechanisms and consequences of insect responses to emerging winter environments
Miguel Altieri (emeritus), Biological control agro-ecology
Gordon Frankie (emeritus), Native bee-flower-people relationships and pollination ecology in urban, agricultural, and wild lands and bee taxonomy
Robert Full, Arthropod locomotion as it relates to a structure, physiology, and behavior
Isao Kubo (emeritus), Natural products chemistry
Robert Lane (emeritus), Biology of ticks, and the ecology epidemiology and prevention of tick-borne diseases, particularly Lyme disease
Vernard Lewis (emeritus), Urban insect pests, particularly, termites and bed bugs, the latest detection and control techniques
Nicholas Mills, (emeritus) Invasive species, biological control, population ecology and insect biology
Mary Power, (emeritus) Food webs in rivers and their watersheds
Alexander Purcell (emeritus), Microbial ecology of sap-feeding insects with respect to insect vectors of plant pathogens
Vincent Resh (emeritus), Evolutionary biology and ecology of aquatic insects