University of California students trained at the Essig Museum have become leaders in the field of entomology at museums and universities throughout the world, and the list reads like a Who’s Who in Entomology: Peter Ashlock, Richard Bohart, Donald Bright Jr., John Brown, Donald Burdick, John Burns, John Chemsak, John Doyen, Deane Furman, Wayne Gagne, Rosser Garrison, J. Linsley Gressit, Charles Griswold, James Haddock, Kenneth Hagen, Jon Herring, Yu-Feng Hsu, Paul Hurd, Daniel Janzen, Clarence Johnson, Robert Lane, John Lattin, John Lawrence, James Liebherr, E. Gorton Linsley, Evert Lindquist, Don MacNeill, Ronald McGinley, Charles Michener, Charles & Lois O’Brien, Paul Opler, Jerry Powell, Frank Radovsky, Arthur Raske, David Rentz, Fred Rindge, Edward Ross, Jerome Rozen, Constantine Slobodchikoff, Ray Smith, John Sorensen, Wallace Steffan, Catherine Tauber, Robbin Thorp, William Turner, Robert Usinger, Natalia Vandenberg, Robert van den Bosch, David Voegtlin, David Wagner, Marius Wasbauer, Robert Wharton, James Whitfield, Elwood Zimmerman.