ARANEAE (spiders)
Spiders of California: Hosted by Steve Lew (last updated in 2004). From the website, “In 1979 Steve Johnson made a list of all spiders known from California. He had essentially unlimited literature resources as a graduate student of B. J. Kaston, and also benefited from the expert assistance of Wendell Icenogle. I began this website by digitizing his list as reformatted by Donald Boe in 1989, with lab support form Rosemary Gillespie and coding assistance from Chris Seidel. As time permits I update the list using more recent publications and personal communication from skilled collectors known to me.”
LEPIDOPTERA (moths & butterflies)
Lepidoptera (butterflies & moths) of Albany Hill – J.A. Powell & R.L. Langston. The following list summarizes observations of Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) at Albany Hill, Alameda Co., California, during 1995-1999. Data originate from about 75 daytime and crepuscular visits of 0.5 to 3.5 hrs, in all months of the year. All of the butterfly species and some of the moths were recorded by RLL, most of the moth species and their larval host plants by JAP. A total of 145 species is recorded (30 butterflies, 115 moths), a modest number considering the extent and diversity of the flora.
Annotated list of California microlepidoptera – J.A. Powell & F.-Y. Hsu. A compilation of taxonomic and distributional information for the microlepidoptera of California over a several year period through 1994, and updated through 2004 for all taxa. This list is a background to biological studies and local inventories by the authors and should be considered a work in progress.
California Counties Moth Database: A searchable list of vouchered collection records from all moth species from each California county. Records do not necessarily represent the first record of a species from a given county. Included in the database are locality, date, and collector. This database has been compiled by Kelly Richers since 1996 as a resource to better survey and understand California moths. Data has been taken from a variety of sources, including published references and collections. Sources of data are listed here. Abbreviations in the data are listed here.
Moths of America North of Mexico (Mona) – California Species: a searchable list of species from the MONA checklist known to occur in California.
Arthropods of French Polynesia: a compilation by Gordon Nishida of distribution records gleaned from publications.