1101 Valley Life Sciences Building
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-4780
(510) 643-0804
Research Interests
My research centers on the natural history and systematics of stream-associated beetles in Latin America. Much of the field work involves collecting in areas where stream beetles have not yet been studied. After assembling sufficient material I develop identification keys, usually down to the generic level, so that in-country workers can conduct their own studies. Additionally I maintain an extensive, on-line, worldwide bibliography of aquatic and semiaquatic byrrhoid beetles, the usual stream-associated beetles.

Previous Positions
NSF Postdoctoral Associate, North Texas State University, 1980-82
Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, California State University, Sacramento, 1982-2003, Retired.
Governing Board, Moss Landing Marine Laboratory, 1985-1990, 1996-2002, Retired.
Visiting Professor, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, 1994.
B.S. in Biology (1969), University of Texas – Arlington. M.S. in Zoology (1971), Stephen F. Austin State University. Ph.D. in Zoology (1980), University of Oklahoma.
Dissertation Title
A Morphological Study of Larval Forms of North American Stenelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae).
Papers Delivered
20 papers and talks given at meetings and as a visiting scientist, 1971-2006.
Selected Publications
Shepard, W. D. 2003. The larva and pupa of Nematopsephus (Coleoptera: Psephenidae: Psephenoidinae). Entomological Problems, 33(1-2): 1-4.
Shepard, W. D. 2003. The biology of Georissus californicus LeConte (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Georissinae). Special Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology, Tokyo, 6: 121-128.
Timms, B. V., W. D. Shepard and R. E. Hill. 2004. Cyst-shell morphology of the fairy shrimp of Australia (Crustacea: Anostraca). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 125: 73-96.
Shepard, W. D. 2004. Lotic regions of Belize and their aquatic byrhoid Coleoptera (Dryopidae, Elmidae, Lutrochidae, Psephenidae, Ptilodactylidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 80(1-4): 53-59.
Shepard, W. D., R. E. Roughley and W. Porras. 2005. The natural history of Lepicerus inaequalis Motschulsky in Costa Rica, and additional morphological descriptions (Coleoptera: Myxophaga:Lepiceridae). Folia Entomologica Mexicana, 44 Supplemento 1: 97-105.
Shepard, W. D. and Y. S. Megna. 2006. Los byrrhoideos acuáticos (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea) de Cuba. Cocuyo, 16: 32-35.
Lee, C.-F., M. Satô, W. D. Shepard and M. A. Jäch. 2007. Phylogeny of Psephenidae (Coleoptera:Byrrhoidea) based on larval, pupal and adult characters. Systematic Entomology, 32: 502-538.
Shepard, W. D. and C.-F. Lee. Chapter 19. Psephenidae (Water-Penny Beetles). In: Stals, R. (ed.). Vol. 10. Guide to Water Beetles of Southern Africa. Guides to the Freshwater Invertebrates of Southern Africa. South Africa Water Research Commission. In press.
Shepard, W. D. y A. Contreras-Ramos. Neuroptera y Mecoptera. In: H. R. Fernández y E. Dominguez (eds.). Guía para la Determinación de los Artrópodos Bentónicos Sudamericanos.
W. D. Shepard and C. A. Julio. A survey of the aquatic beetle families Dryopidae, Elmidae, Lutrochidae and Psephenidae known from Paraguay (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea).
Roberto Arce-Prez, Xalapa, Mexico
Atilano Contreras-Ramos, Pachuca, Mexico
Carlos Aguilar Julio, San Lorenzo, Paraguay
Chi-Feng Lee, Taipei, Taiwan
Andrew Short, Cornell, New York
Scientific Activities
Colaborador, Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Costa Rica
Recent Foreign Field Trips: 2001-Australia, Costa Rica, Guatemala; 2002-Chile, Nicaragua, Costa Rica; 2003-Chile, Costa Rica; 2004-Mexico, Iran, Mexico; 2005-Mexico, Japan, Nicaragua, Trinidad and Tobago; 2006-Paraguay, Panama; 2007-Chile