Evolution Day 2025

14-15 February 2025,  12:00pm – 5:00pm (1 hour tours)

Each year, the Essig Museum celebrates the birthdays of Charles Darwin (February 12th, 1809), Alfred Russel Wallace (January 8th, 1823), and Henry Bates (February 8th, 1825) with special behind-the-scenes tours of our collection in the Valley Life Sciences Building (VLSB). Join us for a special look at our collections featuring beetles collected by Darwin during his Voyage of the Beagle. We will also take a closer look at adaptations – traits that evolved over millions of years to help insects obtain food, avoid predators, and find mates.

In addition to our tours, at 10:00am, February 14, in room 2063 VLSB, we will have a special lecture, as part of our Essig Brunch seminar series, by Dr. Jim Costa (Executive Director & Professor, Highlands Biological Station of Western Carolina University) titled “Ardent Beetle HuntersOn the Entomological Enthusiasms of Darwin & Wallace“. Abstract: “When in 1908 Alfred Russel Wallace was asked how it was that of the many people pursuing the question of species origins it was he and Darwin who discovered the principle of natural selection, his answer surprised his audience. First and most importantly, he said, “in early life both Darwin and myself became ardent beetle-hunters.” Indeed, while finches, giant tortoises, and birds-of-paradise loom large in Darwin and Wallace lore, insects were far more important. In this talk I trace the central role of entomology in the lives and thought of Darwin and Wallace, from the early inspiration of insect diversity to the ways in which insects provided these naturalists with insights into the evolutionary process.” Jim will also be giving a talk “Alice Eastwood, Gertrude Jekyll, and Horticultural History: The Wallace Connection” for Botany Lunch at the UC & Jepson Herbaria at 12 noon on February 14.

Museum Tours will begin at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm from the foot of the Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton in VLSB.

We will be limiting the number of people in our small exhibit space, so reserve your free tickets with Eventbrite (click here to reserve). Note: There are multiple tour times – check the Select Date and Time options on Eventbrite to choose a time slot. And please consider making a donation using our secure online system to help us continue our mission of research and education.

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