December 2023
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1 Stigmal vein longer than either marginal or submarginal veins, occasionally appearing curved; F6 quadrate ………………………………..…………………….. clavellatus
1’ Stigmal vein about equal to marginal vein, shorter than postmarginal vein, not curved; F6 longer than wide ……………………………………………………………… sp. 1
Sp. 1: Orange (UCRC).
Described Nearctic species and distribution
clavellatus (Dalman, 1820): USA (CA, ME, NH, OR, WI)
A single specimen that appears to be near this genus was collected in Mendocino (UCDC).
Dalman, J.W. 1820. Försök till Uppställning af Insect-familjen Pteromalini, I synnerhet med afseen de på de I Sverige funne Arter (Fortsättning). Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 41: 123-174, 177-182, 340-385.