1 Scape not greatly expanded ventrally, funicle completely dark ……………..……. americanus
1’ Scape expanded ventrally, F5-F6 lightened …………………………………………..…. sp. 1
Sp. 1: Alameda, Contra Costa, Humboldt, Lassen (CAS, RLZC, UCD). Also specimens from Los Angeles County?
Nearctic species and distributions
americanus Gordh & Trjapitzin, 1981: USA (CA, UT, WI)
Tyndarichus navae Howard, 1910 was introduced into eastern North America during a biocontrol project directed against Lymantria dispar, but there is not record of it having established. Trjaptizin & Ruiz-Cancino (2001) presented a key to the Holarctic species of the genus. Sp. 1 is very close to the Palearctic T. scaurus (Walker, 1837), but the ventral expansion of the scape is smaller and more apical, and F5-F6 are yellow and slightly smaller (in T. scaurus F5 and F6 are dark).
Gordh, G. & V.A. Trjapitzin. 1981. Taxonomic studies of the Encyrtidae with the descriptions of new species and a new genus. University of California Publications in Entomology 93: 55 pp.
Howard, L.O. 1910. On some parasites reared or supposed to be reared from the eggs of the gypsy moth. Technical Series, Bureau of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture 19: 12 pp.