The Essig Museum is open to the public only during featured events such as Darwin Day (February), Cal Day (April), and Homecoming (Fall). However, we curate both online and physical exhibits for the general public to engage and enjoy. Follow the links below to learn more about our exhibits. You can also read our Recent Posts (right panel) for stories from the field and other activities of the Essig Museum.

Valley Life Science Building (displays) – The Essig Museum continues to develop new displays within the main hallway of the Valley Life Science Building, alongside displays from the other Berkeley Natural History Museums. Current displays include “gall wasps” and “native pollinators” in collaboration with the Jepson Herbarium.

Lawrence Hall of Science (displays) – The Essig Museum, in collaboration with the Lawrence Hall of Science, developed several displays that can be viewed at “The Hall” on Centennial Drive, including native bees of California and Costa Rica (along with the Urban Bee Lab), butterfly wings, and parasites.  

California’s Threatened and Endangered Insects (online) – California is home to many unique habitats and species. Unfortunately, through land use change, development, invasive species, climate change, and other factors, some of our species have become uncommon to the point of needing protection. One species from San Francisco, the Xerces Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus xerces), went extinct in the 1940’s. Learn more about California’s rare and threatened species with an online exhibit originally developed by Michael Caterino.